
Savannah avatar image
Savannah asked Joerg Vogel answered

Machine Efficiency effecting Process Time

In real life assemblers/operators wont always be 100% efficient all the time. I need the processors to pick a random number between two values and then add on their efficiency. I would also like the values to be pulled from an excel sheet but that is not a hard requirement.

for example: One machine on average takes 16-23 Seconds to run and we know the operator is 85% efficient. The processor would pick a random number such as 20 and add the operators efficiency to it making it 23.52 seconds long.

How could I go about making that possible for my simulation?

FlexSim 20.0.9
excel importprocesstimeflexsim 20.0.9
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

The idea is to let a processor go into a variable break downs. A break down can occur more often or a breakdown can last longer. An operator can be a factor to these two times. Actually you need only set labels at a processor which are factors of the MTTR / MTBF tool to influence the time function between two break downs and / or how long a repair lasts.

An alternative approach will take influence on the process time of the processor.

Here an example of this approach

process time static:

  1. uniform(16,20,getstream(current))

process time variable by own label “effi”, which I set at the processor

  1. uniform(16,20,getstream(current))/current.effi
You can change the label value until the setup has finished at the processor as a time or event.

If you need an operator “physically” at the processor present and you want to notify which operator is doing the job, then the tasksequence the operator is executing must send a message to the processor. The OnMessage trigger of the processor updates the label value.

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