
Ferny Alexis GNA avatar image
Ferny Alexis GNA asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Task executer with multiple DP and queueu

Hello, thanks for reading, There are a separated activity in a conveyor, operator takes the product and put in queue, I have many same activities for all operators, @jason.lightfoot help me change all activities with inly one activities (photo 1).

But, I have a problem when operator need unload in "final queue", it is depends of kind of product, for example PET is only for PET, also each operator have your own queue, it is problem because in Unload there are specific location, no variable location (photo 2).(photo 1)

(photo 2)

Finally, is there any way that queue is a variable location?

Thanks for your help, I attached the file


FlexSim 19.0.0
flexsim 19.0.0tasksequenceunloadvariable location
· 1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

To make the generic instanced object flow cater for different queues and locatons you should add pointer labels to the objects and then reference those in the process flow activities. That way when the instance object changes the label it's reading changes.

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