
Kaitlin M avatar image
Kaitlin M asked Zahra Z commented

Changing priority to access location group based on census

Hi there, I am modeling an ED. Patients arrive by ambulance and on foot and compete for the same resource: beds. I would like to model a conditional priority - if there are more than a certain number of ambulances waiting to offload their patient, then give the ambulance patients a higher priority to access the beds. Otherwise just service FIFO. How can I achieve this?

FlexSim 21.1.0
healthcareflexsim 21.1.0ambulanceemergency room
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

James Rodgers1 avatar image
James Rodgers1 answered Zahra Z commented

The attached model is from the training course. The acute patients are sent to the "Ambulance" location. In the Acute patient flow, the activity representing the exam beds has custom code for the priority field. When an acute patient tries to get an exam bed, the code looks at whether the number of patients at the ambulance is greater than 2. If it is, it returns a priority of 300, if not it returns 150 (the same priority level for non-acute patients).

The only issue is that the acute patients will not go FIFO since it would be the third to arrive that would get the higher priority.

Dynamic Priority.fsm

dynamic-priority.fsm (429.4 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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