
Ryosuke S avatar image
Ryosuke S asked Ryosuke S commented

How to use send to port By time of day

How do you use Send to port By time of day? I want the queue to start sending 5 flowitems let's say from 9:00AM and I have set as follows, but doesn't seem to work. Is this the correct way of setting?


FlexSim 20.1.3
queueflexsim 20.1.3send to portby time of day
capture070.jpg (21.4 KiB)
5 |100000

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Ryosuke S commented

This function has nothing to do with amount of items nor with minutes of an hour. It just tells the queue the port number which is used to release items. In your case it is port number 5 or 50 which is available to release items. If you have not 5 nor 50 output port connections in your model for the queue, then all items stay at the queue Or by default port number 0 releases items to the first available port.

· 1
5 |100000

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Ryosuke S commented

An object can work or not. A function of an object depends on the state. If it is inactive, then you can do nothing. You can’t stop partly a function of an object. You can use a queue to send items or not. Because the queue is an independent object you can stop it by a time table. Please insert a queue into your model, which is only responsible to distribute your items. If you need more control over the queue then you can change the max. capacity to one and close the input if the output should be disabled.

· 1
5 |100000

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