
Gary Q avatar image
Gary Q asked Gary Q commented

Process Flow, queue configuration send to port

Hello community, I would like you to help me with the following logic, I need QUEUE 2 to send the type of item to the corresponding ports, when configuring queue2 in the flow tab, I get the error that the label does not exist, solve that creating a number label in flow item bin, but the logic still does not work, I leave the model for your visualization

queue congiguration to send to port.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.1
queueproces flowsend to port
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Gary Q commented

Hi @Gary Q,

The reason why all of your boxes are going to queue3 is because of the timing of operations within the model and process flow. When you create the objects in Queue1, before the token can move down to your assign label activities, they have already been moved into Queue2, and from there into Queue3. One way to assign the labels to the items before moving them into Queue2 is by removing the connection between Queue1 and Queue2, and then once the items have received their type labels, you can move the items into queue2. Since the items now have "Type" Labels on them, they will go to the correct queue. I have attached my edited model so that you can see what I did.


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