
Michael Machado avatar image
Michael Machado suggested akshith vashala commented

Import another model option inside standard Flexsim

ideasimport model
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Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws commented

Right now there isn't a simple option to click, like in FlexSim HC. However, if you need to do this right away, there is a manual way to do it.

In the model tree click on Tools under the model node, then hit enter to open a new folder at the bottom. Right-click the new node and go into Node>Load into Node.

In the search bar search for .fsm files and import your other model.

After importing, you'll want to shift-select the new model nodes from under flypath, then go to View in the top menu and click Edit Selected Objects. Click on the very top model node, then on the right window click Move into Model.

After this you may need to delete duplicated objects, move packed media around, or transfer variables or global tables to fully merge the two models.

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Michael Machado avatar image Michael Machado commented ·
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chao.g avatar image chao.g commented ·
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akshith vashala avatar image
akshith vashala commented

Select the entities which you want to export in to the another model from treenode and use 'Ctrl C' to copy and 'Ctrl V' to paste in another flexsim model's treenode.

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chao.g avatar image
chao.g commented

@Adrian Haws

Thanks for the response, when will standard FlexSim software has that import another model feature?

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
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Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

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