
mUg24 avatar image
mUg24 asked mUg24 commented

Change truck 3D shape

Truck 3d shape.fsmHello,

I am trying to chage the 3D shape of a truck after entering to a queue. I tried using triggers of the queue and also by changing the shape through process flow.

But even the truck looks a little bit different it is still a truck. It is also important to notice that this only happens when using a truck from the source, if we assing a different flowitem the 3d chage works.

Can you help me please, I am attaching a sample model.

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 21.1.1
flexsim 21.1.13d shapes
truck-3d-shape.fsm (33.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered mUg24 commented

Hi @Mercedes U,

this is because the truck consists of multiple parts that are drawn as surrogates of the actual item. You can see this in the animations window (right click on a truck -> Edit -> Animations).

You can delete these surrogates in a custom code activity.

  1. Object Cab = token.item.attrs.drawsurrogate.subnodes[1];
  2. Cab.destroy();

(All other parts are subnodes of the cab, so they will automatically deleted with it)


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