
Jakub F avatar image
Jakub F asked Jakub F commented

Process flow- assigning tokens for boxes in tote


I need help with process flow. I created process flow, in which the operator carries the boxes from the tote and carries them to the station but the sequence does not repeat.

I suspect the problem is the lack of tokens but I don't know what to add or change.


FlexSim 20.2.3
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1 Answer

Tomasz MG avatar image
Tomasz MG answered Jakub F commented

Hi Jakub

First advice do not assign boxes in totes to label. Refer to them by tote in Yours model it will be (token.pak1.first and token.pak2.first). Then when You unload them refer to them by operator (token.resource.first) and finally when you destroy them by shape (Model.find("Shape453").first). Put the whole process in sub flow and repeat 5 times.

I attach model with changes. Powodzenia :)


xyz.fsm (39.7 KiB)
· 1
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Jakub F avatar image Jakub F commented ·

Dziękuję bardzo !!!

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