
Alejandro M16 avatar image
Alejandro M16 asked Julio R answered

Change transport type by date or time

  1. Hello,
  3. I want to simulate the arrival of material. 
  5. For example, at 8 am, be a forklift transport and at 9 am be an operator.
  7. How can I simulate that?
  1. My other question is: How to change the type of transport by date?

@Julio R


@Ben Wilson

FlexSim 21.1.1
flexsim 21.1.1any other version
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1 Answer

Julio R avatar image
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Julio R answered

The fastest way to do this that I can imagine is to connect both objects to the queue and use the use trasnport by case option.

With the command Model.dateTime.hour you get the number of the hour of the day (8:00 a.m. = 8, 9:15 a.m. = 9)

Then the operator is the one connected to the central port 1 and the forklift the one connected to the centerport 2.

There is more ways to do this if you are thinking in other ways to input the calendar, but this is the fastest I can think about.

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