
Alejandro M16 avatar image
Alejandro M16 asked Eric M commented

How to change imported excel file by date?

  1. Hello,
  3. In my source, on Mondays I am working with Import Line1, but on Tuesdays I must work with 
  4. Import Line 2,because the configurations of lines 1 and 2 are different. 
  6. How can I make this change?

  1. Thanks for your attention
FlexSim 21.1.1
flexsim 21.1.1any other version
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1 Answer

Bruno Ricardo BM avatar image
Bruno Ricardo BM answered Joerg Vogel commented

Hello Alejadron,

You could use an Arrival Schedule and put the ArrivalTime per day, but this have to be in seconds or the model Time Units that you select at the beggening of the model.

I will be you and example:

The first row is for the first day of the simulation (Monday), so I put 0 seconds at Arrivaltime.

The second day (Tuesday) I put 86400 seconds because is the equivalent of a day in seconds.

The third day (Wednesday) I put 172,800 seconds that is the equivalent for 2 days.

The only problem is that you have to have the same format in Excel to be imported.

Tell me if this works for you.


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