
Alejandro M16 avatar image
Alejandro M16 asked Alejandro M16 answered

Where can I learn to use the process flow?

  1. Hi,
  2. My learning about the use of FlexSim, has
  3. been reading the
  4. manuals and
  5. watching YouTube videos.
  6. But I have found that when the model logic grows I need to model using process flow.

Where can I learn more about process flow?

FlexSim 21.1.1
flexsim 21.1.1any other version
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Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered

Hello @Alejandro M16 ,

Welcome to FlexSim! In our manual we have several tutorials. Here is a link to the process flow tutorials. The first four videos from FlexSim Simulation Software in this YouTube search are also great places to start learning FlexSim process flow.

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Alejandro M16 avatar image
Alejandro M16 answered

thank you very much, it was a great help

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