
Alejandro M16 avatar image
Alejandro M16 asked Alejandro M16 commented

The content is out of the box

How can I resolve this error?

The contents of the box appear outside, after exiting the combiner.

  1. I attach my model, thanks for the help.
FlexSim 21.1.1
flexsim 21.1.1any other version
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Andres Pallaro avatar image
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Andres Pallaro answered Alejandro M16 commented

Hi Alejandro,

The problem is that you are are using the "pack" mode on the combiner and you do not have a container for the objects; a box is not configured to pack other boxes. You should use a base container such as a pallet or a tote or use another combiner mode either join or batch.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Alejandro M16 commented

You use a standard box to be a container in a combiner. Please open the Flow Item bin and copy a pallet. Then you replace the shape of pallet to look like a box. You set this new item as the item to be created in your model. The combiner receives this new item as the container through input port number one and will pack any other items on top of this container item.


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