
Takahisa M avatar image
Takahisa M asked Takahisa M commented

Even if there are no people in front, the flow of people will be stagnant.


When using AStar to create a flow of people moving, lines may extend from the cells of AStar and stop people moving.
I'm verifying the flow of people by simulating FlexSim. As shown in the attached figure, a line extends from the cell of AStar and stops moving for a few seconds, causing a stagnation in the flow of people even if there are no other people or obstacles in front of them.Please tell me what causes this stagnation and if there is a way to avoid it.


FlexSim 21.0.4
astarflowflexsim 21.0.4peoplewalk
astar-waiting.jpg (101.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Takahisa M commented

This appears to be working normally. The AStar navigator finds the shortest or best path for people to walk on, and then it sends them on that path. While they will wait for other travelers that cross their path, they don't re-route to choose a new path; they only wait. They will re-route if FlexSim detects that there is a cycle of people waiting for eachother, but otherwise, people will simply wait for other travelers to leave. I think you may have some success if you add an Agent system, although I'm not very familiar with that feature.

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