
Gilana P avatar image
Gilana P asked Bruna A answered

Error - Destroy Object (Process Flow)


I need to clean the contents of the processor. In another activity I will create the same items that will be destroyed, but at the end of this activity demo_destoyObject.fsm I need it to be empty.

If I use destroy Object when the robot unloads the item in the processor I get an error.

FlexSim 19.1.2
processflowcodeflowitemflexsim 19.1.2customcode
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Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered

Hi @Gilana P, you can use a "destroy object" activity after a "wait for event" activity that listens for when the processor is done processing. I made two process flows, in Option1, the processor destroys each object when it's done processing. In Option2, the items are destroyed at the same time using the "batch" activity.


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Bruna A avatar image
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Bruna A answered

Hi @Gilana P,

You can do something similar Eric's suggestion.

You can use the "Event Triggered Source" activity to identify when the processor is done processing and "destroy object" activity to destroy each box after processing.


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