
Ryosuke S avatar image
Ryosuke S asked Ryosuke S commented

Operator overtaking with A Star

Hello, there is two operators with different walking speed. They are carrying items through the corridor just wide enough for two people to walk in parallel. When fast walking operator catchup with the other operator, I would like the operator to overtake the slow one. Instead, it keeps bumping to the slow one. Is it possible to make the operator overtake? If I need to create some logic, that would be fine. But in that case, could you give me some guide how to do it?

You can reproduce the issue with attached layout. First run simulation up to 80sec, then run slowly.OperatorOvertaking.fsm


FlexSim 21.0.6
operatorastarflexsim 21.0.6
overtake.jpg (96.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered Ryosuke S commented

Hello @Ryosuke S ,

When the faster operator is behind the slower one, the faster operator should step around the slower operator. To do this I created a process flow that looks at the operator and creates a token when it is blocked and then tells the blocked operator to step to the side and then the operator resumes its task.


To make this easier, I added a preferred path so the operators always walk on the right side of the hallway. This is so I can tell the operator to always step to its left when blocked.


I also created a few lines of code to evaluate which direction the operator is facing to help decide which way the operator should step relative to the operator.

int rot = token.Operator.rotation.z;
if (fmod(rot,360)<90 && fmod(rot,360)>-90){
return 1;
else {
return -1;


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Ryosuke S avatar image Ryosuke S commented ·

@Jeanette F Thank you! This is perfect.

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