
Lorenz N avatar image
Lorenz N asked Jeanette F edited

Flexsim HC 2021 Stop model when last patient or X amount of patients leaves

I want to end the simulation when either the last patient leaves or when x amount of patient leaves the system. (Or any condition in general) Before in older versions of Flexsim HC you had this function in the entry/exit triggers. How is this done in the current version?

Here are some reference links on how it was done previously.

Attached is a sample model where 14 patients go through the system.

Sample Project.fsm

FlexSim 21.0.6
flexsim healthcareflexsim 21.0.6patientstopmodel
sample-project.fsm (71.7 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered Jeanette F edited

I edited the sample model so that it stops after 14 patients leave the system. Whenever someone leaves the model, I increment a variable. When the variable reaches 14, an event is triggered which stops the model.


· 2
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