
Leah R avatar image
Leah R asked Leah R commented

Why did my patients turn into trucks ?


I have absolutly no idea how that happened. Could you please help me ?

Thanks in advance,



FlexSim 21.2.0
flexsim 21.2.0patient
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Clair A avatar image
Clair A answered Leah R commented

Hi @Leah R ,

By default, the Create Patient activity in the Arrivals Process Flow creates 50% of men and 50% of women:


The values used for men (8) and women (9) are the ranks of these objects in the Flowitem Bin:


By default, the truck rank in this list is 10. But if you delete the box from the FlowItem Bin, the rank of the truck becomes 9.

I advice you to check that the value used in your Create Patient activity matches the rank in the Flowitem Bin of the object that you want to create.

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

If you look at the Create Person activity it's just using a number for the kind of flowitem to make, 8 for a male person and 9 for a female person:


If you deleted some flowitems or reordered them you may need to update those numbers to be the correct rank for the man and woman flowitems in the flowitem bin.

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