
Claudia S6 avatar image
Claudia S6 asked Eric M commented

Pull from list more than one box


I am learning to use process flow and I simulated a picking model.

My big issue is how to pull from list more than one item, but one by one.

When I select Request/Required number = 1, the operator (in 3D Model) moves one box from the list. But when I select Request/Required number = 5 (for example), the operator moves 5 boxes at a time. And I need that the operator moves the 5 boxes one by one, and when he completes moving the 5 boxes, it continues the flow (realease and waith for another OT).

Context: I am working with OT, so one OT includes more than one box from the same rack (such as 5). Therefore, the operator should moves 5 boxes from the same rack before start a new OT. The number of boxes in the OT also is random between 5 to 10. If you can simulate this it would be fantastic.

The file is attached, please feel free to edit it.



FlexSim 19.1.2
flexsim 19.1.2push and pull list
flexsim-picking.jpg (73.6 KiB)
simulacion004.fsm (60.6 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Jason Lightfoot commented

This is a feature of a call sub flow activity. A sub flow is a structure to repeat a set of activities. If you call a sub flow you can decide to do this sub flow process multiple times simultaneously or one by one. This is an option in the call sub flow activity.

· 1
5 |100000

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