
Miguel Pereira avatar image
Miguel Pereira asked Miguel Pereira edited

Increment Label not working

Hey everyone,

I'm almost finishing my big project but i have a problem, my Increment Label isn't working at all.

I've used the "view activities" on the process flow to see the value it's coming there but it isn't going the way i want it to go. It starts well, but in the first time i want to increment isn't working at all. It's going to the same value as it is in the start.

I'm using an assign label to go for each element of a group, so it starts in the 1st one and then should go to the 2nd spot but it isn't going. Its stuck in the first one...

It's this one:


I don't know what's causing this problem.

Thanks, Miguel Pereira.

FlexSim 21.0.5
label assignmentassign labelsflexsim 21.0.5increment label
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Miguel Pereira commented

Hello @Miguel Pereira,

I placed breakpoint in the code for the increment label. It does increment the label. I saved the model with the breakpoint in it in hopes that it helps you debug your model. Maybe the token isn't following through the process flow how you expect it to.


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