
Pinakin K avatar image
Pinakin K asked Pinakin K commented

How to increment label values and use the new value in as a string?


In the given model, I have referenced a 3d object as a value for the label, in order to use subflow.(Subflow not shown in the model)

I want to increment the value by one each time the token passes the Assign label activity, in such a way that, the object name would reflect in the label value.

Ex. current label name is LabelName and the value is Shape 24. I have 3 Objects in it, Shape 24, Shape 25, Shape 26. So every time the token passes the assign label activity the name should increment by 1, i.e. It should get the value Shape 25.

FlexSim 18.0.2
label assignmentincrement label
labeltest.fsm (19.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered Pinakin K commented

@Pinakin K This is not directly possible because if you increase references to 3D objects you are actually referencing memory addresses and you never know where the next one is pointing to. But there is a very easy solution. Put your Shapes in a group and increase a counter and get the correct shape out with

  1. Group("group")[memberindex]
· 2
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