
Maíra A avatar image
Maíra A asked Gustavo Teodoro answered

How can i rotate a robot to original position after unload?

After to do the unload i would like that the robot return to the original rotation. I already tried this using chage visual, 3D settings, animation and others options, but nothing worked. Can you help me?


FlexSim 19.1.2
robotflexsim 19.1.2unloadrotationrobot movement
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Tomasz MG avatar image
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Tomasz MG answered Maíra A commented


Try Travel to loc block


Remember to select relative. Then the x,y,z axes are relative to the robot field, not the model.

Good luck

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Gustavo Teodoro avatar image
Gustavo Teodoro answered

Hello @Maíra A

If you also want the robot to return to its starting point, you must use the Travel command, as shown in Figure. 499977905.pngHope I could help.

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