
Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 asked David Seo answered

Multi Floor Building


How can I make a multi-floor building so I can make sure floors are linked together and people can move between floors using elevators while statistics such as throughput and utilization are recorded separately? What would be the step-by-step process if I have a floor plan currently in the model with a grid linked to A* navigator and want to add either empty plane or CAD drawings to add more floors.

Is there any difference between when we add a CAD drawing as a second floor or a visual plane? if yes, what are the differences?


FlexSim 21.1.5
planeflexsim 21.1.5gridmulti floor
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

To create a second floor that people can move to you need to add a second A* grid and add an elevator bank object. This section of the user manual has step by step instructions for how to set up the elevator bank.

You can add more CAD drawings to provide a visual for the floor. You can also add visual planes to mark the floors or to drag objects into, but they also block your view of objects below them which can be annoying.

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David Seo avatar image
1 Like"
David Seo answered

@Maryam H2

When you add the second floor, you can make the objects in the first plane be displayed as translucent if you use 'Slide' object replacing with 'Plane'.

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