
威洋 avatar image
威洋 asked Ryan Clark commented

How to make the customers have randoms demands.

Hello everyone!

I have a model that is a two-tier inventory, I want the customer demands to be between 5 to 15, but my model customers are using the combiner to set fixed demand, and I also hope my retailer and distributor have beginning inventory.

in my model :

Rank1 is the retailer

Rank 17 is the distributor

Source3 is the customer generation

Thank you for your help!!

two-tier inventory model.fsm

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3inventorycombiner problem
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered Ryan Clark commented

Hello @威洋,

I believe I understand your problem. I have attached a model that should solve that issue for you. I did two main things:

  1. I added a trigger to the source that is creating the customers to add a label to each customer on creation. This label is randomly assigned and indicates the number of items they want.
  2. I also added a trigger to the combiner (OnEntry) to "Update Combiner Component List." Then, using a Global Table. I changed the settings to set the quantity of components based on the label on the customer.screenshot-2021-08-16-140258.png

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions!

· 2
5 |100000

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