
威洋 avatar image
威洋 asked 威洋 commented

triggers setting problem

Hello everyone:

I have some inventory management issues, but I'm not sure how to set the triggers.

I want to simulate the inventory of perishable items, using a fixed deterioration rate for the items. And if every day the deterioration rate is 10%, but I want to calculate the number of deterioration items every time a customer arrives

If there is insufficient stock and cannot meet customer demands, how to calculate the out-of-stock quantity

inventory model.fsm

Thank you for your help.

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3deteriorationtrigger issue
inventory-model.fsm (299.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered 威洋 commented

Hello @威洋,

One way to do this is by using process flow. You can use a simple delay of 24 hours or whatever period you want to count it at, and then use a Decide activity to get rid of 10% of those items. The only tricky thing is that you want to make sure to get rid of the tokens representing delivered items before the process flow tries to destroy them. Otherwise, the model will throw an error.

You can calculate the number of deterioration items and the current stock by keeping track of how many items have been created, destroyed, and delivered. You can keep track of these things as labels on tokens within process flow.

Does that help answer your questions?

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