
Lukas Buchta avatar image
Lukas Buchta asked Parker S commented

How operator can load 2 items at once by label?

In the end of production line, operator must load two items - pad and chassis. I set those items label at the queue "take" but in the process flow i don't know what to put in the LOAD that it takes these items by label.

Do you know how can load 2 items? Shall I use labels, or something else? Before i had only two items so there was "token.item.first" and operators loaded only first item. But I didn't find option like: take first two items.

yama new 19.8_autosave.fsm


FlexSim 21.2.0
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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered Parker S commented

@Lukas Buchta

See attached model where I've altered your Process Flow.


The items in the queue need to be split up and sent a list. This is because there are 3 subitems loaded onto the tray object, and it makes things easier if we can pick and choose what we load.

Then we pull 2 items that have the label take = 1.

The load and unload activities are also done with subflows to handle both items.

Let me know if you have any questions! I noticed there are a few errors that are still showing up, let me know if you can't resolve them and I can take another look at them.

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