
Lukas Buchta avatar image
Lukas Buchta asked Parker S commented

How operator can load 2 items at once by label?

In the end of production line, operator must load two items - pad and chassis. I set those items label at the queue "take" but in the process flow i don't know what to put in the LOAD that it takes these items by label.

Do you know how can load 2 items? Shall I use labels, or something else? Before i had only two items so there was "token.item.first" and operators loaded only first item. But I didn't find option like: take first two items.

yama new 19.8_autosave.fsm


FlexSim 21.2.0
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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered Parker S commented

@Lukas Buchta

See attached model where I've altered your Process Flow.


The items in the queue need to be split up and sent a list. This is because there are 3 subitems loaded onto the tray object, and it makes things easier if we can pick and choose what we load.

Then we pull 2 items that have the label take = 1.

The load and unload activities are also done with subflows to handle both items.

Let me know if you have any questions! I noticed there are a few errors that are still showing up, let me know if you can't resolve them and I can take another look at them.

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Lukas Buchta avatar image Lukas Buchta commented ·

Thank you. Great i can see how to use subflow. Thank you for your help and time. So pushing and pulling from list is the way.

Please, can you help me to solve, how operators can unload those 2 items into the trolley together? That is it in one bay in same position like on the tray object? I tried trigger on the queque (on the elevator) - i can set location, set rotation or visual, but no way to get them together.

Thank you


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Parker S avatar image Parker S ♦ Lukas Buchta commented ·

If you want the items to stay together, you can change the process flow to this:





This will allow you to unload one item on the rack so it is only taking up one slot, then unload the second item onto the first.

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Lukas Buchta avatar image Lukas Buchta Parker S ♦ commented ·

@Parker S Thank you

The last thing I am fighting and is connected to all solved is:

The last item ("totek" = 1) when it arrives back to the begging of the line, the operator must load it and unload it into the queque7.

It shows error that the label is missing, but when i stop simulation, it is there.

The queque on the elevator pushes the token into the list "readyforpickup_1".

Can you please help me? Thank you.



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