
Daniel Saravia avatar image
Daniel Saravia asked Ryan Clark commented

how to make multiple TE's unload items from same containers in PF?


I have TE's (tuggers) that bring multiple containers to TE's (unloaders) to unload items inside the containers. Right now each unloader is directed to unload one container until is empty. I want to have all my unloaders go to the first container and unload all the items then move to the next container or next task (arrival of more tuggers w/ containers) if the become available. In other words the unloaders should be always busy unloading. I tried to use a dispatcher but still doing it the same way.


@Ryan Clark

TX_Unloading Test4.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.0
processflowflexsim 21.2.0task executer flowitem
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered Ryan Clark commented

Hello @Daniel Saravia,

Please find a modified version of your model here: tx-unloading-test4-rc.fsm.

I removed the dispatcher and changed the process flow to acquire the unloader resource within the subflow (i.e. for each pick) and set up the logic to choose the correct resource. This makes sure the unloaders are always busy when there are picks to be unloaded at their door.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have more questions!

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