
David Seo avatar image
David Seo asked David Seo commented

AGV network navigator - not transfer the items (a bug?)

When using default navigator, the AGVs transfer the items. But when using AGV navigator, AGV does not transfer the items. AGV is not moving to any place.

What's the problem?

AGV path Control Point and snap on to be updated.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.2
flexsim 21.2.2agv navigator vs default navigator
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered David Seo commented

The AGVs in your model are blocking each other. Only two queues pull items from the list, so only two AGVs are assigned a task. Due to the order they are connected to the dispatcher, those are Task Executer1 and TaskExecuter2. They want to travel to Queue7 via the shortest path, which is blocked by TaskExecuter3.

To fix this, you could have the AGVs start in parking positions so they don't block the main path. And have them return there if they have no other pending tasks.

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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·

@Felix Möhlmann Thank you. I fixed it you said.

When AGV loading item, below error message is displayed and AGV stop.

time: 11.014439 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist().

time: 16.569945 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist().

Do you know what's reason of it?

AGV path Control Point and snap on to be updated.fsm

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann David Seo commented ·

When I rearrange some paths to properly snap together, I get no more error messages (I also deleted some paths but that probably wasn't necessary). Might have something to do with the pathfinding.

So far I don't actually see a reason why you are using the AGV paths in your model. A simple travel network of network nodes would probably work better for your current setup. (Except of course if you are planning to use AGV path features later on.


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David Seo avatar image David Seo Felix Möhlmann commented ·

@Felix Möhlmann

My real layout is the cad layout background above the model. You can find it in the model.

The red cross point box is the spinning point of AGV and AGVs moves like KIVA robot which need Battery level and transfer the Rack items stored. Of course, when AGV not loading the rack, AGV moves through under the rack.

It's the reason of using AGV network not Network node.

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