
Michael D6 avatar image
Michael D6 asked Ryan Clark answered

AGV Item Placement and Removal

Hi @Ryan Clark (and others), follow on question to one previously posted. Simplified model attached to be able to demonstrate. Reposted as new topic. Two questions:

1. I tried to reverse the AGV to conveyor load and do a conveyor to AGV load (see Robot 2). This is being done to an entirely different AGV process path. I would imagine I am doing something incorrect with the control points and the work lists between the different AGV paths.

2. In my models the AGV delivering a box needs to complete the drop off before the next package is picked up. This results in only AGV5 picking boxes from Queue2 in my sample file. Is there a way to make it so that the AGV's pick the boxes sequentially and then just queue up a the drop off location.FourthDraftMainSim.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.2
agvagv loadflexsim 21.2.2
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered

Hello @Michael D6,

  1. I was able to sort out the process flow for the second robot to move items from the second conveyor to the third loop of AGVs. See below image: screenshot-2021-08-31-200620.png
  2. I came up with an interesting workaround for the AGVs, so not only one AGV picks up the items. I essentially had them wait until the task was done for them to move forward to the area where they could pick up the items. If you want a more seamless solution, I would recommend using the Advanced AGV Process Flow since that has separate task sequences for loading and unloading instead of keeping them together. That allows for more complex logic regarding the AGVs.

Please see my modified version of your model attached here: fourthdraftmainsim-rc-v3.fsm

Hope this helps!

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