
Claudia P3 avatar image
Claudia P3 asked Sofia G21 commented

How to define the quantity of the combiner according to the type of container

I have 15 types of container that can enter to the combiner and pack the products. This containers have different capacity, so I need a custom quantity in the combiner according to the container (first port). It is possible?

FlexSim 21.2.2
combinerflowitemcustom combiner
5 |100000

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Sofia G21 commented

The target quantity is defined by two nodes in the combiners tree. Those are the "componentlist" and "targetcomponentsum" nodes under "variables". The first contains the information how many items have to enter from each port (2-n), the second is the sum of those values.


You could change those in the entry trigger, when the container item enters the combiner. The following code works if there is only one port (rank 2) the items enter through. It sets the target quantity to be equal to the label "Capacity" on the container item.



· 4
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
1 Like"
Joerg Vogel answered Claudia P3 commented

Sure, there is an optional property in the On Entry, that does this by a global table. The type label of the first entering item selects the column. The rows are containing the number of items belonging to your recipe. This property replaces the last recipe by the selected new combination.
The main function is in the combiners’ background to collect a total number of items entering the combiner through an entry port number greater than 1. What attributes the collected items have, doesn’t matter. It is only important how many items must enter through any port defined by the components list.

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