
立洲 avatar image
立洲 asked 立洲 commented

About the Japanese film, the robot arm is connected with Flexsim

I want to know how the robotic arm in this video is connected to Flexsim. I don't know if anyone has the model in this video and can provide it to me, thank you.

FlexSim 20.0.10
plc emulationrobot armopcflesimmovie
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Ryosuke S avatar image
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Ryosuke S answered 立洲 commented

In the video seen, FlexSim and the robot controller(hardware) is connected in the following:

FlexSim <-> MySQL <-> Fanuc Field System <-> Robot Controller

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立洲 avatar image 立洲 commented ·


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立洲 avatar image 立洲 commented ·

@涼介S I want to ask you to provide me with the model for reference, thank you.

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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

It is most likely accomplished using FlexSim's emulation module.

Hopefully @Steven Chen could provide more information.

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