
Andres M12 avatar image
Andres M12 asked Andres M12 edited

Batch sizes problem

Hi there, I am working with different batch sizes on a combinator, I wrote mi problem in the following lines: There is an order of 100 units of “X” product

- Batches of 15 units of product “X” are assembled

- 6 batches of 15 “X” units are processed and the last batch have 10 “X” units and this last batch is not processed by the combinator because it works only with 15 “X” units and the simulation ends.

- In the plant there are other products with the same problem about incomplete batches, I need that each product will be processed next to the other.

Can some help me to solve this problem using process flow ?

FlexSim 21.2.3
process floworder batchingbatching size
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Andres M12 edited

A combiner is not suited for process flow. You can let update the components list by a On Entry trigger property option through a global table. If you knew before collecting, that you have a different component sum, then you can change the global table value through process flow.

· 3
5 |100000

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