
Joyce avatar image
Joyce asked Jeanette F commented

How do I make my model end on run time and make glass doors?

Hi, I'm working on my model and I have a question about how to make process end when the run time is almost over.

I want to make my model look the same as before Run, except for the number of stocks in the Racks and the result(Max content 220~250 tote on FinishPacking). I mean my model right now looks like it just stopped, not ended. How can I make my model like that?


Also, is it possible to make two glass doors in the place I made walls? Or is it only available in Healthcare Flexsim? I want to make the Transporter1 pass two doors to reach Queue2..

Thank you.


FlexSim 21.0.9
runtimesliding glass door
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Joyce,

You can use objects from FlexSim Healthcare. They just may not behave the same. I implemented this into your model.


As far as having the operators and transporters to appear as idle when the simulation run ends, there are several possibilities. You can run the simulation till there are no more tasks. You could also close your sources a specified amount of time before the simulation end so there are not more flowitems to process and store. Another idea is to set up a prempting task sequence for the task executers and operators so they abort their current tasks close to the end of the simulation end time. Basically you will need to either eliminate the occurrence of more task sequence or create a task sequence that interrupts all the other task sequence by the time you want the simulation to end.

editing-jf.fsm (481.8 KiB)
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