
Cenk ZR avatar image
Cenk ZR asked tannerp edited

How to determine proper running period ?


I have a system with 4 workstations. I am thinking of how to determine the proper running period for obtaining reliable results. I know that the system needs to reach the stability but I do not know how can I check if the system reach to stability based on the running period. If someone can help me with this issue, I would be appreciated. Thank you very much.

I am also attaching the model in case someone wants to check it.


FlexSim 19.0.9
runtimemodel runmodel run timerunning time
model.fsm (116.7 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered tannerp edited

@Cenk ZR,

It is difficult for us, as outsiders, to know when your model reaches "stability". We don't know the process and we don't know what "stability" looks like. I think it will be up to you to determine what "stability" looks like in your model. Once you've figured that out, though, I believe the best tool you can use is Warmup Time, which is found on the toolbar. The Warmup Time allows the model to reach a certain point before tracking statistics and things. I've updated your model to include a Warmup Time of 500 seconds.

You can see that at 500 seconds, the charts in your dashboard reset and begin tracking.

model (3)_1.fsm

NOTE: One technique for identifying a point of "stability" in your model may be to watch the time plots in your dashboard to recognize repetition or other signals that the model has "warmed up". Additionally, you can assume that the point of "stability" will be at least the time it takes for one flow item to pass through the entire model. Hope this additional information is helpful!

warmup-time.png (8.1 KiB)
model-3-1.fsm (116.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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