
Brad Champeau avatar image
Brad Champeau asked Joerg Vogel edited

How is a run time license used?

I have a customer that wants to purchase a run time license to observe a model we will be building for them. They want to adjust certain variable in the model. How exactly does this work? Do they need training on this or do I have to develop some sort of variable spreadsheet in an excel format? If so, how do I do that?

FlexSim 17.1.1
licenselicensesruntimeruntime license
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

A Runtime license allows you to open and run any model, change parameters or table data, run experiments, import from databases or Excel, etc.

It does not allow you to add more objects or other activities associated with building the model.

Whether they need training or not depends on the model you build and any interfaces created to modify data and run the model. The sky is the limit for this, and it all depends on what you want to deliver to your customer. You could go nuts and design a crazy custom interface to do anything you think they may want to do in the model. Or you could design the model with minimal interfaces, where everything is controlled by data that they import from Excel - it is fully up to you and your customer.

To get a quote for a Runtime license, please contact your local distributor directly, via phone or email.

So as to answer just the main-title question here, please post any questions related to importing from Excel or building custom GUIs to their own dedicated questions. See the community best practices for more tips on getting the best usage out of a Q&A site.

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