
martin.j avatar image
martin.j asked martin.j commented

Model sizes become bloated after using the optimizer

After running a rather large optimization on a relatively simple model, the model size with all the optimizer data in it rose to 200+ MB making the model incredibly slow and unweildy - no surprise there. I managed to open the file again and try to start a new experiment/optimization to reset the data, but it did not remove more than half the added size of the model.

I went on to delete the experimenter from the model toolbox (which also removed the node in the Tools folder of the tree). I also deleted the OptQuest treenode. But the model size after save was still around 70MB. Is there a place in the model tree structure where more data could be orphaned and needs to be deleted?

This is a fairly simple model with no 3D object inported. The file should'nt be bigger than a couple of MB at best.

FlexSim 21.2.4
optimizertree structuremodel size
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered martin.j commented

I don't think the Optimizer or Experimenter store data outside the tools folder. Off the top of my head, that seems odd. Here are some things to try to get your model file back to its original size:

  • Open the default workspace and save the model - maybe something is in a view?
  • Use the memory profiler to find where the data lives, and maybe delete it if you don't need it.
  • If you ran a performance profiler or memory profiler, you may want to delete the data for those tools as well.

Also, note that version 2022 stores all Experimenter/Optimizer result data in a second file, rather than in the tree, which should avoid this issue entirely.

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