
Doris C avatar image
Doris C asked David Seo edited

How to randomly create items from the source.

If you look at the inter-arrival time after generating the source, it contains an exponential(0,10,getstream(current)) setting. I understand what this means is that items are generated from the source within 0-10 seconds.
I want to know if what I understand is wrong.
If what I understand is wrong, what method should I use to randomly set the time when items are generated between 0 and 10 seconds?

FlexSim 19.0.0
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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered David Seo edited

@Doris C

The exponential(0,10,getstream(current)) means the distribution type. You can find it in the graph FlexSim provide in the selection menu.

The sequence of the generated value is "random" between 0 and 10 seconds you questioned.

If the distribution type waht you want is 'unform' not 'exponentail', you can use 'uniform(1,10) or 'duniform(0,10). uniform is for real number to have decimal and duniform is for integer.

All distribution FlexSim provide is 'random'.

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