
Marcin S5 avatar image
Marcin S5 asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Use of the Sink only when all necesarry objects are collected.



As described in the picture above, I am asking you for advice on the easiest way to make objects go to Sink only when collecting 33 boxes on the queue (not earlier). In addition, that could happen only at certain times (e.g. 10:00:00, 14:00:00, 18:00:00 [3 times, 33 boxes each]. Thank you in advance for your help.

FlexSim 21.2.4
queuessinkspecific time
boxes.png (550.0 KiB)
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

The queue object has a built in batch function, that prevents it from releasing items until the specified number is reached.


To have this happen at specific times I would suggest to use a process flow. An event triggered source listens to the "On End Collecting" event on the queue, meaning a batch has reached the required number of items. The token created by this source then waits until a different token, responsible for the timing, enters a specific activity in the process flow which happens at the times you want to release items. A simple loop with delay activities can be used to control the "timing token".



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Krzysztof J avatar image
Krzysztof J answered

On the queue select "Perform Batching", then "Target Batch Size" equal 33.

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