
Mischa Spelt avatar image
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Mischa Spelt asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Exceptions with reset position in .fsx


There seems to be a bug when loading a model with task executers, but it only seems to happen when saving the model in .fsx format.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Open FlexSim 2022
  • Drag any Task Executer, for example an Operator, in from the library
  • Save the model as .fsx
  • Restart FlexSim and open the model. Press Reset.
  1. exception: Exception Caught in FlexSimObject::moveToResetPosition() object: /Operator1
  2. exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction457__project_events_OnResetModel_move_objects_to_reset_positions object: MAIN:/project/events/OnResetModel/move objects to reset positions i: MAIN:/project/events/OnResetModel/move objects to reset positions class: MAIN:/project/events/OnResetModel/move objects to reset positions
  4. exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::callMemberFunction() c++/dll execution. Throwing... MAIN:/project/events/OnResetModel/move objects to reset positions c: MAIN:/project/events/OnResetModel/move objects to reset positions i: MAIN:/project/events/OnResetModel/move objects to reset positions thisClass: MAIN:/project/events/OnResetModel/move objects to reset positions
  5. exception: Exception caught in evaluation of MAIN:/project/events/OnResetModel/move objects to reset positions
  6. exception: Exception Caught in FlexSimObject::moveToResetPosition() object: /Operator1
  7. exception: Exception Caught in Navigator::onReset() object: /DefaultNavigator
  8. exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction240__project_library_FlexSimEventHandler_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnReset object: /DefaultNavigator class: /DefaultNavigator
  10. exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::receivemessage()
  11. exception: Executive::__reset()
  12. exception: int Executive::reset()
  13. exception: reset

Demo model: ResetPosition.fsx

I think that this bug has actually been in a couple of versions of FlexSim so far.

FlexSim 22.0.0
task executerexceptionreset position
resetposition.fsx (683.7 KiB)
· 2
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

I was able to replicate this bug in 22.0.1, based on your steps. I'll add it to the dev list. Thanks for this excellent report.

5 |100000

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