
Mihnea V2 avatar image
Mihnea V2 asked Jacob E2 commented

FlexSim not working

Hi all,

I am encountering a few issues while using Flexsim. I am getting a lot of exceptions coming up while I use my mouse scroll wheel to zoom in on selected objects. When I go to close the exceptions pane down the bottom, my 3d model usually disappears and I have to restart the app to see it again. The last time I tried restarting the app, my model didn't load up and I can't see my 3d model. I have tried going to the view tab up the top to disable and enable te 3d model view but nothing happens. I have attached my model. Is this happening to anyone else when they try to open my model?


Apple Packhouse 3.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.1
software issues
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1 Answer

Kenny Macleod avatar image
Kenny Macleod answered Jacob E2 commented

Yup - nothing opened when i opened the model. I reset the view by clicking on View and then Open Default Space and everything reset OK.
The model now runs without errors. It's not complete because the conveyors that receive the apples from the MFC are not going anywhere. But the apples run to the end of the conveyors.
Sometimes when you change and add things FlexSim doesn't like it and gets confused. This has only happened to me once before.
There's a lot going on sometimes. Two things to do/watch.
1 - Incremental save a LOT when building. Ctrl-Shift-s will increment a number on the end of the filename. This way you can take one step backwards and figure out what you did to cause the issue.
2 - Look out for the saven filesize blowing out. If they do, then check out why. It might be a few saves later before the issue causes problems.

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Mihnea V2 avatar image Mihnea V2 commented ·
Ok great, thanks Kenny!
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Jacob E2 avatar image Jacob E2 commented ·
This seems like a new bug. I've been using FlexSim 2021 for about a year and never had this happen to me until I upgraded to FlexSim 2022. Now it happens daily. Hopefully, this will get fixed in one of the next updates, but I'm glad Kenny found a workaround.
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Jacob E2 commented ·
If you have steps that are repeatedly causing an issue then please post the steps on the forum or send it in for reference. Thanks.
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Jacob E2 avatar image Jacob E2 Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

@Jason Lightfoot I was able to replicate it by intentionally messing up the code in a "Set Label" function on an "On Entry" Trigger of Queue1. I just removed one of the semicolons and when I hit reset I got the following exception and the 3D model view disappeared:


As soon as I save, close and reopen the model the issue is fixed.

Hope this helps.

FlexSim Error.fsm

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flexsim-error.fsm (27.2 KiB)
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