
Halil Ibrahim Sahin avatar image
Halil Ibrahim Sahin asked Jason Lightfoot commented

The Capacity of AGVs

hi, I want to get an opinion from you. The AGVs in my model are running smoothly. But I want AGVs to only carry boxes as much as their maximum capacity. For example, if the AGV capacity is 15, the AGV should wait until it receives 15 boxes. Is this possible? Can you help me. Thank you

trials 1.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.1
agvcapacitymaximum capacity
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Hi @Halil Ibrahim Sahin,

I made some modifications to your model to help achieve your desired behavior. As @Jason Lightfoot suggested, I changed the Queues to use batching logic for 15 items, and I also changed the "Pass To" logic on the Dispatcher to pass the tasks to the AGV that is closest to the location where they need to load the items, but it prefers to pass the tasks to the AGV that is already going to that location.

In addition, I noticed that the AGVs would get stuck sometimes, so I added a home location for each of the AGVs to the network, and added a trigger for "On Resource Available" to send them to their home location if they don't have any pending tasks to complete.


I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions!

trials-1-rc-v2-4.fsm (194.7 KiB)
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