
Lynn T2 avatar image
Lynn T2 asked Lynn T2 commented

Dashboard Graphs Not Showing Same Results

Good afternoon,

I am working on a dashboard to show how long patients are waiting on their MD (the ProcedureMDs in the model are named Proc1, Proc2, etc.).

Patients have a label MDName that indicates which MD is going to perform the patient's procedure.

I have created a dashboard (titled "Wait Time") - the top graph is from the People dashboard templates "Avg Wait Times" and I used subsets with the filters "MDName = 7" and "MDName = 6".

The bottom graph is from the People dashboard templates "Avg Wait Times" and I used a basic subset for each member of each group of ProcedureMDs (Proc1, Proc2, etc.).

I cannot determine why my data for MDName = 7 in the top graph does not match my Proc7 data in the bottom graph, etc. Could someone please explain why this might be the case?

The model is attached. Wait for Staff - Dashboard Questions.fsm

I made sure using partitions in the milestone graphs based on MDName labels was giving me correct data, and it is. I realize I could use milestones to also get the wait for MD information, but I want to be able to use the wait for staff dashboard templates if possible. I am not sure why using label subsets / partitions in my wait for staff graph is not giving me accurate information.

Thank you,

Lynn Tamblyn

FlexSim 21.2.2
dashboard chartpatient labelswait for staff
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Lynn T2 commented

The upper graph shows the combined average wait time of patients with a MDName label of 6 or 7 for any staff member. So this includes the wait time for other staff, which is mostly shorter, so the average value is lower.

The lower graph shows the average wait time for members of the "ProcedureMDs" group.

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