
James Riebau avatar image
James Riebau asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How do I find a slot ordered by distance to an object in the model?


In my warehouse model I'm working on I'm trying to prioritize which slots are chosen to put pallets away in floor storage. I would like to order the slots by closest to the docks.

In my find slot task was trying to reverse engineer the query for ‘ORDER By Distance from Object', to change the object from current pallet to another object in the model, but I really don't have a clue how to do it. I placed a cylinder in the center of my docks that I want to use as my object to measure from.

Can anyone help me with this?





FlexSim 22.0.0
warehousefindslotorder bydistance from object
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You can add a second parameter and use the sampler to point it to the cylinder


- then you can use:

  1. WHERE slot.Part == 0 AND slot.zoneID == $1.StorageGroup AND slot.hasSpace($1) ORDER BY (slot.location.project(slot.storageObject, model()) - $$2.up, model())).magnitude ASC

Or you can add a label on the item pointing to the cylinder and reference $1.yourlabel instead of $1 in the distance part:

  1. WHERE slot.Part == 0 AND slot.zoneID == $1.StorageGroup AND slot.hasSpace($1) ORDER BY (slot.location.project(slot.storageObject, model()) - $$1.yourlabel.up, model())).magnitude ASC


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