
Maria A31 avatar image
Maria A31 asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Boxes in racks stuck on each other.


I created a model where i have paint slotted the racks with 100 different SKUs. The model is running perfectly except the part that when the rack starts to load, the boxes are stuck on each other and they dont seperate evenly. For example, for each SKU i have painted 7 slots. When they start to fill the rack the boxes are filling one of the 7.

I have attached the model in order to see what i mean because i am not sure i explained it well.

Thank you in advance!δοκιμαστικό με 100 paint slots_autosave.fsm

FlexSim 19.2.4
warehousepainted slotsinitial contentqueryslots
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Maria A31 commented

When you select 'Matching Labels' the code behind it follows the same loop each time to find the first slot whose label matches that of the item - so it will keep returning the same slot (until it is full).

Are you saying you want a random slot in the rack that still matches labels? If so then use this as the Slot Assignment Strategy:

Storage.Object current = ownerobject(c);
Object item = param(1);
Storage.Item storageItem = Storage.Item(item);

Array slots=Storage.system.querySlots("WHERE Type=$1.Type AND slot.storageObject=$2 AND slot.hasSpace($1)",0,item,current);
storageItem.assignedSlot = slots[duniform(1,slots.length,getstream(current))];

return 0;

For this to work fast we should have "Type" listed in the Storage System slot labels:


Model attached.100-paint-slots_jl.fsm

· 1
5 |100000

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Maria A31 avatar image Maria A31 commented ·

@Jason Lightfoot Thank you so much for your time, that was excactly what i was looking for!

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