
Owen_liaw H avatar image
Owen_liaw H asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How to continue process when source send finish few items .



1646710868759.pngqwertuy (1).fsm

I do the sorting system as shown as figure above. Each of queues has same batch size is about 44. It means that the each queues will send the items to final conveyor when the batch size is reached to 44 items.

But now situation is, when I set the quantity of items about 34 in source, Each of queue didn't reached the max batch size, so it would not send items to final conveyor.

Is that possible when these queue send items to conveyor (queue 3 send items to final conveyor after queue 2 send items to final conveyor. queue 2 send items to final conveyor after queue 1 send items to final conveyor) after source send finish the items (34 items)

FlexSim 22.0.1
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@Owen_liaw H , please define what your logic should exactly do and please describe it in a manner that it can become true. Currently you say your queues batches items together up to 44. But you produce only 34 items at all. Queues won’t never collect enough items to get a single batch. Then under which conditions you want to release unfinished batches to proceed to a next queue. Is it time based or under a different condition?

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Owen_liaw H avatar image Owen_liaw H Joerg Vogel commented ·

Sir, I just create one situation (when oneday the items are less), the process will be stuck cuz they havent reach the 44 items to get the single batch. Under (all items were sorted and each of queue wount get a single batch), the system can detect there are no more input, then each of queues can send items to final conveyor.

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You could use a wait timer if you know for example that each batch will be delivered in 60 time units. See attached model.


There are many other ways to detect by labelling batches, detecting other timeouts etc.. it's your choice and should be guided by the way you have arrival batches defined.

qwertuy-1-jl.fsm (46.8 KiB)
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