
georgia M2 avatar image
georgia M2 asked Jordan Johnson answered

sorting to rack cells

How can i sort flowitems to rack cells according to their label?

the order of the cells doesnt matter as long as the items are sorted according their label.

thank you :)

FlexSim 17.2.5
flexsim commandsconveyorsracksconveyorsystemsorting
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·
@georgia M2

That's not a lot of information to go on. What exactly is kept in the "label" and on what object is the "label". It would be helpful if you could send your model or if that is not possible for some reason, a sample model showing the area of concern. Sending a model is the the best way for us to help figure out what exactly it is you need. A description, alone, does not help us to know what is happening in the model itself.


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georgia M2 avatar image georgia M2 commented ·


thats the model ,thank you

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meow.fsm (215.3 KiB)

1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered

You are very close, I think. I looked at each Decision Point, and I saw that a lot of them have two SendItem options used:

This would work fine, except none of the boxes have a Type label. There is a photo eye that is configured to set item type and color. However, because the block time is 2 seconds (and boxes do not block the photo eye for that long), that OnBlock code never fires:

So depending on what you want, you could reduce the Block Time, so that your boxes get a type, or you could just remove the second "Send Item" option, so that the Type is not needed.

doublesenditem.png (30.8 KiB)
pehighblocktime.png (26.5 KiB)
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