
Halil Ibrahim Sahin avatar image
Halil Ibrahim Sahin asked Felix Möhlmann answered

AGV Home Location

Hello. I want to manage AGVs using Process Flow. I am very new to simulation. My goal is for AGVs to leave the home locations when 10 boxes are formed in the queue and take 10 boxes from the queue and drop them into the sink. Then I want it back to their home location. Could you help? Thank you.

Begineer 2.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.1
agvcapacitytravel to a home location
begineer-2.fsm (59.5 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The "On Resource Available" trigger is interfering with the AGV flow logic, causing it to travel to it's home location inbetween every step.

You should either use a more advanced version of the AGV process flow that includes the parking logic and delete the trigger ("AGV with Heuristic Parking" or "Advanced AGV". "AGV with Basic Parking" would alsp work but requires work forwarding). For this you would have to add the home locations as parking points. See the AGV process flow tutorial for more information on how to use those.

Alternatively you could create your own simple process flow that creates a task sequence instead of single tasks like the pre-made flow, so it doesn't get interrupted by the resource available trigger.

See the attached model for an example.


beginner-2-fm.fsm (47.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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