
Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton asked Regan Blackett edited

How to access token label from list.

In one flow, a token is pushed to a list with a label "bladeType".


Is it possible to access that label in a different flow, once the "item" is pulled from the list? It is not connected to any 3D object.

FlexSim 21.2.4
listpull from list
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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Regan Blackett edited

So you want access to that bladeType label after it has been pulled but for something other than it's puller right?

I would probably push that token to another list (or a separate partition on the same list) and let a token from that other flow pull it. Then you have access to the labels with the usual "token.pulled.bladeType" kind of expression.

You would just need to push it with a Max Wait Time of zero and check "Keep on List on Early Releae" so the token can continue with what you need but still be available to the puller in the other flow.

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