
Ryan B10 avatar image
Ryan B10 asked Jeanette F commented

2 elevator banks healthcare

I have a model with 2 elevators and the patients only seem to be able to take 1 of the elevators. They are both added into the A* system but the second elevator does not carry patients upward or down.

FlexSim 22.0.1
healthcareelevatora star navigationpatient flow
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The elevator banks are part of the A* navigation. A traveler will always choose the one that results in the shortest path or is closest (not actually entirely sure which one it is).

You can "force" patients to use particular elevator bank by first moving them close to it or use barriers/dividers with custom rules. See the links below for how this could be done.

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