
pc neo avatar image
pc neo asked tannerp answered

A*star how to move patient onto gurney within room space?

The model illustrate an arbitrary scenrio whereby every patient arrive will be transported by MD using gurney to a exam bed. After some time a MD will return gurney to its original position while patient rest on bed. Then after some time lapse a MD will again transport the patient using a gurney out of the clinic.


Attached is the model. At time 8:11am (of simulation time) you will see that the patient move out of the room in order to get onto the gurney. Is there a way to have the patient get onto gurney without leaving the room?

FlexSim 20.0.0
healthcarea star navigationgurney
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

Hi @pc neo,

It looks like the gurney gets pushed through the barrier just enough that the patient needs to go outside the barrier to get on to the gurney. I moved the barrier out just a couple of grid spaces and the behavior was better, I think.


a-star-move.fsm (291.0 KiB)
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