
Kenya J avatar image
Kenya J asked Kenya J commented

How do I get an exam room to be used again?

April 24th ER Sim_autosave.fsm

Hey! I'm noticing when I run my simulation, that my exam rooms aren't being acquired again for a new patient to use after a patient has been discharged. This is causing my reception area to become backed up because patients aren't able to move on. Is there a way to fix this?

I'm so close to being done with my class project, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

FlexSim 22.1.0
healthcareroom utilisation
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Kenya J commented

The "Remove Patient" activity acts as a sink for the token, deleting both it and the corresponding patient. Because the "Release Exam Rooms" activity is currently placed below, the token never reaches it and the exam rooms stay acquired.

Simply move the activity ahead of "Remove Patient" to fix this.


I also noticed that you are creating many more patients than the model can currently handle, leading to a performance drop on the second day. You set the repeat interval of the source to 14 [min], meaning over the course of a day, the schedule will be run around 100 times. Since the arrivals are spaced out in 14min intervals I'd assume that this might be an oversight from an earlier setting and you'd actually want to set this to "Daily".


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